Robotics Club

What do you do in Robotics? 

Members of the robotics club will design, build and program robots to complete a variety of task. The robots are a part of the Lego Mindstorm collection so there is no prior knowledge of robotics or programming needed. Members will form their own groups, up to 3-4 students and will they will work together as a team. After 4-5 meetings, a set of challenges will be presented to the teams. Teams will compete against each other to solve various robotic challenges. Teams will be asked to solve challenges where they have to build and program robots to accomplish a given task. Points are awarded for each challenge. At the end of the program, we crown the top robotic team at NMS.

How often does it meet?

This club meets twice a week from September until December. The meetings are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays mornings from 7:30 to 8:20.

Drop off procedure for Robotics Club

The back door at the end of the C-wing (specials hall) will be open from 7:30 to 7:40. If a student arrives after 7:40 they can ring the doorbell. 



Basic EV3 programming

Basic build EV3